Lentil took place in "Alto", Ohio. The first thing we did was find Ohio on our map, and place our story disk.
We got out our Geo Puzzle of the United States and Canada, and put that together. We talked about different states, and where they are compared to where we are. Lily just had a friend move to CA, so she is very interested in how far away that is.

Lentil tells the story of a boy who LOVED to make music, but could not sing or whistle. He learned to play the harmonica instead! He practiced all the time. His favorite place to practice was the bathtub. I got Lily a harmonica. She had fun practicing, but I could not get her to practice in the tub. She preferred practicing outside.
Lentil lived in a small town. We talked about small towns, and compared a small town to where we live, which is NOT small. We talked about the different buildings, and the train station, then Lily got to work to build her own small town and train station.
We talked a little about Patriotism. We talked about our flag and our country. Since we were rowing this book right at the 4th of July, we made some fun patriotic crafts. We made red, white and blue fireworks and also a red, white and blue shirt to wear on July 4th.
In the story, Old Sneep kept the band from playing by sucking on a lemon, which caused the members of the band to pucker their lips. They could not play their instruments with puckered lips. We decided to try a lemon, and see why it would cause puckering.
Lily wasn't too sure about trying the lemon, but she did it!
It got a thumbs-sideways. She gives that when it isn't good, but it isn't too bad, either.
We talked about our taste buds, and how we have different ones for sweet, sour, bitter and salty. Lily did an activity sheet about the different tastes there are.
We also discussed our other senses. We did a little experiment to show how the sound hit the ear drum, and creates vibrations.
Since we were talking about lemons, we made freshly squeezed lemonade. Lily loves lemonade, and she had a blast making it from scratch.
Thumbs up! SO much better than the powdered kind. :)
We also made lemon chicken and lemon bars. We got the recipes out of the FIAR cookbook. Lily loves to cook. Any time she sees me in the kitchen, she wants to help out.
Tasting the chicken-eh. She wasn't really impressed. (Mommy was! It was yummy!)
Tasting the lemon bars.
TWO thumbs up! They were delicious! Daddy said they weren't going to last long. They didn't. The whole pan was gone the next day.
In the book, Old Sneep liked to whittle. Lily wasn't sure what whittling was, so we looked up soap whittling on the internet. After looking at some pictures of different creations, she decided to try her own.
We talked about the illustrations in the book. The pictures in Lentil were drawn in charcoal. I gave Lily a piece of charcoal and she drew a few pictures. She tried smudging the charcoal, but didn't like that her fingers got dirty when she did it.
That was our week! It was a lot of fun. Next week, we will be rowing The Glorious Flight. Lots of talk about planes and flight coming up! :)
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